The Crucible Review Answers

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    Customize your Jira Software workflow to stop if there are any open reviews. Integrations that matter Upgrade your workflow with Jira Software, Bitbucket Server, Bamboo and hundreds of other developer tools Development workflow Jira Software...
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    The Crucible Final Test has the following: 20 Multiple-choice questions 20 Matching people to their descriptors 1 short answer list 1 short essay paragraph length The editable PowerPoint is included in this zip file in case you wish to make changes...
  • The Crucible Questions And Answers

    She stands firm on her convictions. Reverend Hale cannot be convinced that the girls are frauds. Visit Crucible Review Game for a student-centered game that will help students review while giving you a much-deserved break! Visit Crucible Quizzes for quizzes for all acts. Total Pages.
  • The Crucible

    Found a mistake? Click to rate this post! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Crucible study guide contains a biography of Arthur Miller, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Abigail Williams: A. Betty Parris: B. Elizabeth Proctor: C. The assumption is that you understood the read, and this quiz aims to find out how much knowledge you have on the book. So, without wondering for another second, let's jump right in. Mark all answers on a separate sheet of paper! An orphan who is sly and conniving, she has the town of Salem listening 2.
  • The Crucible Act 4 Audio

    Start your review of The Crucible Write a review Mar 18, Deborah Markus rated it it was ok I hate to rate this so low when it seems that the only people who do so are those forced to read it by a cruel teacher. I'm even more troubled by the fact that I haven't seen anyone else bring up what bothers me about this play. Yes, it's well written -- that is, the dialogue is expertly handled. There are truly beautiful passages, such as this one: I came into this village like a bridegroom to his beloved, bearing gifts of high religion; the very crowns of holy law I brought, and what I touched w I hate to rate this so low when it seems that the only people who do so are those forced to read it by a cruel teacher. There are truly beautiful passages, such as this one: I came into this village like a bridegroom to his beloved, bearing gifts of high religion; the very crowns of holy law I brought, and what I touched with my bright confidence, it died; and where I turned the eye of my great faith, blood flowed up.
  • ‘The Crucible’ Review

    Men have complex lives and motivations; women's lives center entirely around men, specifically around attraction to and dependence on men. Miller brought up the very real issues of property and land-lust that dominated the real trial. Why did he insist on sexualizing the girls involved -- to the point where he had to make one of the girls several years older than she really was? The terrifying thing about what the real "afflicted girls" did was that it comes across as a sort of motiveless malignity. They were lashing out at their own repressive society, possibly egged on by parents who wanted to use them as weapons in battles over land.
  • The Crucible Test

    That's fascinating. Instead, Miller decided to say that the girls really were engaged in "witchcraft" -- or at least in stereotypical witch behavior: dancing naked in the woods at night, concocting evil brews. He insists that "there are accounts of similar klatches in Europe, where the daughters of the towns would assemble at night and, sometimes with fetishes, sometimes with a selected young man, give themselves to love, with some bastardly results. He really seems to believe that this went on. Then there's the main character: John Proctor. Can't imagine why I have a hard time sympathizing with him. Imagine you know a family with three young children. They hire an au pair. The dad has an affair with this young woman -- hardly older than a girl, a virgin, completely inexperienced in life or love. The mom suspects that something is going on and fires her, but stays with the dad.
  • The Crucible Test Review

    The dad bitches at the mom for always giving him that look and not acting happy to see him all the time. The mom breaks down crying and admits that her cold behavior must have pushed him into having an affair. The dad also bitches at the au pair, because this affair got her hopes up and she really thought it meant something to him the way it did to her. He screams at this teenager who was lucky not to get pregnant, btw, since they didn't use birth control to get over it, already -- he's married and he's staying that way. If you heard about something like this -- maybe it happened to a friend of yours, maybe you read about it in a novel -- would your first sympathy really be with the poor, tormented man who has to put up with all these women acting like he owes them something?
  • The Crucible Act Ii Questions

    Why has no one pointed out how creepy it is that John Proctor is genuinely supposed to be a sympathetic character, and Abigail is a monster? And by the way -- contrary to what Miller says in his afterword, the only "legend" that "has it that Abigail turned up later as a prostitute in Boston" is the one he started by writing this. I'm not in 9th grade, and I still have problems with this modern classic. I understand why it is one; but I just can't give it the three "I liked it!
  • The Crucible By Arthur Miller

    Proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams while she worked as a servant in his house. A powerful man in both build and character, Proctor refuses to… read analysis of John Proctor Reverend Parris The minister of Salem, Betty's father, and Abigail's uncle. Tituba is his slave. As a minister, Parris delivers harsh fire and brimstone sermons that sometimes turn off his parishioners.
  • The Crucible-Test Review Questions/Answers

    As a father and… read analysis of Reverend Parris Reverend Hale A minister in the nearby Massachusetts town of Beverly, and an expert in identifying witchcraft. An intelligent man, Hale sees himself as a scientist and philosopher, a kind of physician of the soul. She fires Abigail Williams as her servant when she discovers that the girl is having an affair with Proctor.
  • SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides And Tips

    Elizabeth is a good woman known for never telling a… read analysis of Elizabeth Proctor Abigail Williams The year-old niece of Reverend Parris. Marauding Native Americans killed Abigail's parents when Abigail was young. Putnam is a bitter man who feels that the citizens of Salem have not given him the… read analysis of Thomas Putnam Giles Corey A farmer who owns a farm near Salem, Giles is an old man and somewhat of a rascal, but also very brave and moral at heart. In his many years he's been involved in numerous… read analysis of Giles Corey Francis Nurse A wealthy farmer and landowner in Salem and the husband of Rebecca Nurse. Francis Nurse is generally considered by the Salem community to be a good man, but many people resent his recent rise… read analysis of Francis Nurse Deputy Governor Danforth A Deputy governor of Massachusetts who comes to Salem to preside over the witch trials.
  • The Crucible Quiz 1

    Putnam is as bitter as her husband, but for different reasons: just one of the many babies she has given birth to has survived past infancy. Rebecca Nurse The wife of the wealthy farmer Francis Nurse. Rebecca is a much beloved and admired figure in Salem for her religiousness and good sense. She has also served as the midwife at many births. Judge Hathorne An arrogant and unpleasant Salem judge who considers the Puritan government to be absolutely right and just. As a representative of that government, he believes in the perfection of his own wisdom and judgment.
  • The Crucible Act One Study Guide Answers

    She is a generally good and quiet girl. She fears wrongdoing, but she fears Abigail even more. Mercy Lewis A teenage girl and a servant in the Putnam household. She is Abigail's closest friend and confidant, and the second in command of the group of girls behind the trials. Betty Parris Reverend Parris's teenage daughter. In many ways she seems like a typical teenager rebelling against her overly protective father.
  • The Crucible Test Answer Key

    A follower, she quickly falls in line with Abigail's plot. Tituba A slave of Reverend Parris, she is originally from Barbados. Tituba is terrified of Parris, who generally blames her for everything that goes wrong in the house. As a black female slave, she represents the lowest rung of Salem society. Osburn One of the women Tituba first identifies as a witch. She served as the midwife for three of Mrs. Putnam's ill-fated deliveries. Susanna Walcott A girl in Salem, who works for the town doctor. Sarah Good An old woman and town drunk who often goes begging from door to door. Ezekiel Cheever A court clerk during the Salem Witch trials. Marshal Herrick.
  • The Crucible Act 3 Part 1

    Although Miller debuted his play in , loud whispers to madness are present. The story boils down to using religion to justify killing non-christians. They accuse women of being witches and putting spells on them. The teens instigate a mob mentality. Large numbers of citizens are tried, convicted and killed for not confessing to being devil worshipers. The illogical arguments defending the witch hunt are riddled with discrimination and hypocrisy. Director Jonathan Berry captivates the audience immediately. The play starts with the girls dancing in the woods. They move with supernatural synchronicity. Berry contrasts the deliberate, silent flow of the first scene with the flurry of baffled folks in the second scene. Teenage girls dancing. The town wants answers for these unfortunate circumstances. And ultimately, they want resolution to stop bad things from happening. Berry stages this with the ensemble visibly sitting on the sidelines.
  • The Crucible Quotation Worksheet Answers

    Many of the actors play multiple parts with the addition of a hat or skirt indicating the switch. The jabs dripping with sarcasm make fun of the mindless acceptance of God fearing folks. At first, the utterances anchored in religious fervor are too ridiculous to be considered. Despite Valada-Viars begging Knight to speak up, he dismisses the buffoonery. As Knight answers, he begins to realize the case being built against him.
  • [DOWNLOAD] The Crucible Test Review Answer Key

    Any humor in the lunacy is stripped away, the disconcerting realization leads him and the audience into the upside-down world. The governing authority is not God. Berry builds the tension by focusing on the christian crusade of slaughtering innocent people. He rules with fear. The people are afraid for their lives as the body count grows.
  • The Crucible Quizzes | GradeSaver

    A shrewd Kidjo tries to convince Knight that she is working for a better future for them. An awakened Knight threatens to expose her as a fraud. At this point, Kidjo is driven by power not love. And a remorseful Knight is achingly desperate. He wants his family not his lover back. Buy Tickets at www. Share on:.
  • The Crucible Review Questions And Answers

    An interactive data visualization of The Crucible's plot and themes. Miller was unintellectual as a boy, but decided to become a writer and attended the University of Michigan to study journalism. There, he received awards for his playwriting. Miller had his first real success with All My Sons Death of a Salesman made Miller a star. The Crucible opened in , and was considered an attack on the anti-Communist McCarthyism then raging in the United States. Miller himself was brought before Congress in and convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate. The conviction was eventually overturned. Download Historical Context of The Crucible The Crucible is a fictionalized account of the Salem Witch trials of , in which 19 innocent men and women were killed by hanging and hundreds convicted before the panic subsided.
  • Review: In Arthur Miller’s ‘Crucible,’ First They Came For The Witches

    Yet while The Crucible depicts one witch-hunt, it was written during another. In the s, during the first years of the Cold War, a Senator named Joseph McCarthy rose to power by whipping the nation into a terror of Communists. Those named as Communists were placed on "Blacklists" that prevented them from getting work. Eventually the fervor died down and McCarthy was censured, but not before the lives of hundreds of people, particularly those in entertainment industries, were destroyed. Both works show that not only is Puritanism harsh and strict, but that this harshness makes it blind, cruel, hypocritical, and destructive. Hawthorne was actually a descendant of the notorious Judge Hathorne from the witch trials.
  • The Crucible Review Acts 1-3 Crossword Answers Links:

    Main Clause- is a complete thought that contains a subject that tells who or what the sentence is about and a predicate that tells what the subject is or does. Example: Muskrat dove down and brought up Earth, and Earth was placed on Turtle's back. In the example, subects are underlined and predicates are italicized. Exercise 1: Simple or Compound Questions: 1. Simple or Compound 2. The plates clattered, and a glass fell to the floor and broke. Simple or Compound 3. The plates clattered and fell to the floor. Simple or Compound 4. The little flowers grew towards the sun. Simple or Compound 5. Tiny grey sharks chased our boat; they looked really hungry. Simple or Compound 6. The pirates demanded treasure, and they also demanded pie. Simple or Compound 7. Joey spun the globe, and Peggy put her finger on a random country. Simple or Compound 8. Ramzi put an extra dash of ginger in the cookie batter.
  • The Crucible Extract Questions

    Simple or Compound Exercise 2 Below are simple sentences. Create compound sentences using the following rule. A compound sentence has two or more main clauses linked by a semicolon or a comma, and a coordinating conjunction such as and, or, or but. She is going to New York. She is feeling lonely. He is getting late. He is driving slow. Amelia doesn't has a car.
  • The Crucible Act 1 Film Analysis Answer Key

    Her father doesn't has a car. Olivia wants to meet her parents. She has no time. He is going to college. He is losing his attendance. They have money. They are not content. She was getting late. She was driving fast. Harry ordered a burger. He was hungry. Jacob tried his best. He couldn't make it. William was not feeling well. He was taken to the hospital Hello everyone, I hope you are all well. Currently, you have two assignments to do: the short story and the webquest. In order to do the best job on both assignments, I am not assigning anything new today. Today's assignment- is a catch-up day. Please complete both assignments and submit them via Schoology. If you have any problems or questions please contact me via Schoology. As a reminder: Please be vigilant of your safety and please do all of the advisory precautions.
  • The Crucible Study Guide | Literature Guide | LitCharts

    If you need to go out: do social distancing and wear masks and gloves. Wednesday, April 15, Hello eveyone, You all should be currently working on your short story assignment that was given yesterday Some students have already submitted their stories. In thinking about explorers, how many explorers can you name? Can you name a female explorer? Can you create a timeline of famous explorers? To answer some of the above questions, please review and search multiple websites.
  • Crucible Code Review Tool For Git, SVN, Perforce And More

    Today's assignment is a webquest on world explorers. Please provide four additional facts concerning your response that you learned and identify the name of the website s and the link s. World Explorers Webquest 1. Who was the first woman to climb Mt. List two female explorers and what did they explore? The following online article may help you with this question, "10 Brave Female Explorers Who Changed Include only two facts about each explorer and the website's names and links. Why does it have two names? Include four facts and the website's names and links. China is associated with this famous explorer from the 13th century.
  • Billet, R / What Did We Do Today? Period Spring

    Putnam's daughter: As the act opens, Martha Corey is being interrogated for witchcraft. Mary Warren prepares to tell the court that Abigail and the girls made up the stories to try to keep themselves out of trouble. Put your answers in the magic squares below. When your answers are correct, all columns and rows will add to the same number. EVIL G. SIGN D. LAND J. Cover plot elements, irony, foreshadowing, allusions, suspense, and theme. It is a great way to review for a test over The Crucible. A vocabulary list featuring "The Crucible" -- Vocabulary from all 4 Acts. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Yet, is as much a product of the time in which Arthur Miller wrote it - the early s - as it is description of Puritan society.
  • The Crucible Quizzes | GradeSaver

    The Salem witch trials took place from June through September of , during which time nineteen men and women were hanged at Gallows Crucible Characters. Crucible Quiz. The Crucible. Clap for Credit Spring View The Crucible Act 3- Answers. The Crucible Act 3- Answers 1. View The Crucible Worksheet Answers - The Crucible … The Crucible Worksheets Even though we have been teaching The Crucible for over 25 years, high school students still surprise us with unique interpretations and answers to the following questions. Consequently, the answers would be too varied to list.


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